morning grace [momo]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 18:59:32 GMT
it's been a very long time since maki engaged in any hobbies outside of her training for team rocket. combat exercises, battle strategy, type advantages and disadvantages, how to handle various weapons... that's what her life has been since she was nine, when it was determined that none of the other children in her family were an appropriate fit for the responsibility she now bears on her shoulders. maki was her family's sacrifice to team rocket's cause, bearing a crown of thorns upon her head since she was chosen.

even so, she's been taught how to blend in with high society. when she was just a child, dancing had been something she enjoyed. ballet in particular had fascinated her, with its beauty and precision. now dance is a simple necessity, one she's always thought little of. it was something that had to be done, like pruning traitors from the ranks. it was something she felt nothing for and yet participated in anyway. it was something she even regarded as foolish.

now, though, for some reason... in a conversation with momo, as they discussed contests, maki had offered to help momo learn some dances in order to give her appeals more variety. i'll blend in better if i make... companions, she tells herself. she denies that she's enjoyed her interactions with momo, because such an admittance would be against her better judgment. weakness, she thinks. and weakness is to be discarded, not indulged in.
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i have a dream where you and i have the same dream!
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 6:38:16 GMT
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ever since maki and momo agreed to meet up and practice dancing together, momo has been buzzing with anticipation. it's not everyday that she gets to share the joys of the contest world with another person, much less work together to hone her coordinator skills, either! when it comes to dancing, while momo enjoys the motions and coming up with ideas for themes and concepts, she does struggle a bit with expanding on her already-existing knowledge. and that's where maki will come to play, because on top of being beautiful the yukimura girl is smart as a pin, and momo thinks she can learn a lot from her! [break][break]

(and possibly about her—she still hasn't asked if the yukimura surname is the same one that momo is thinking of. but if that doesn't happen today, either, then it's just as well. there's a saying that the circumstances of one's birth is irrelevant, and it's what you choose to do with the gift of life that makes you who are. or something like that, anyway!) [break][break]

soon enough, momo shows up to the meeting place: a public dance studio, one of many such artistic buildings to be found in the city of lilycove. it's no wonder that the coordinator has chosen this city to be her hoenn home, the super contest hall and amenities aside. she's become familiar with the streets of lilycove like the back of her hand, so it feels like no time at all has passed when she finally catches up with maki! "hi, maki! how are you? you look great, by the way! i'm sooo excited for today! thanks for agreeing to help me out with my dances, too! you're the best!" [break][break]

she's just glad that she's met someone who will stay in her life, no matter how temporary. and to carve out time for momo in what she can only assume is a very busy schedule on maki's end? that's more than momo could ever ask for. [break][break] she sets down a pink duffel bag, and fixes her hair into a low ponytail—stripped of the usual glitz and glam that her coordinator self is usually seen in. but no matter the occasion, she will never skip out on the pink. "so what's first? oh, we should probably stretch, right?" [break][break]



momo's outfit!




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TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2023 17:19:42 GMT
as usual, momo's own lack of defenses batters away at the many walls maki has built up over the course of her life. while momo fixes her hair, maki stands at the edge of the wall, near the railing. her mind is far away for the moment, thinking about the day she was told she'd have to give up ballet and learn something more practical instead.

momo's question brings her out of her head. maki nods. "yes, we need to do some stretches," she says. "just do what i do." she has no doubt momo knows well enough how to stretch before exercise, but maki wants to specifically tackle the muscles they'll be using today. as she demonstrates, her form is flawless; underneath those expensive clothes, maki's body has been honed to its peak. she's much stronger and more athletic than she looks, and she's flexible as well, easily able to touch her toes whether standing or seated. she is the yukimura family's concealed weapon, after all.

when they're done, maki stands up straight again. she stretches her arms out in front of her, fingers interlocked, and cracks her neck. "most of the dances i know are for two people," she explains. "but it's possible to adapt them for a human and a pokemon, potentially. we can also go over some basic ballet moves."
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December 9th
Lavender Town, Kanto
Ace Bi
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 7:54:11 GMT
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momo nods, her smile brightening. "got it! you lead, i follow!" she's always wondered what the difference between a classically trained dancer and a self-taught one is, and her curiosity is sated in a matter of seconds. maki's form is as flawless as she is, flexible and agile to a fault. momo spends as much time ogling the other girl's ability as much as she spends stretching her own limbs, a slow and hesitant doppleganger. [break][break]

thankfully, momo is pretty flexible and light on her feet, herself! nothing like maki, but certainly a lot better than the average person. her body feels warm and loose afterward, which is a good sign. she bounces on her feet after stretching, letting out a huge sigh. "that feels great! perfect way to start us off!" [break][break]

and maki seems to agree, and she starts talking about the potential dances they'll learn today. dances for two people (and possibly a person and their pokemon) interest momo the most. she loves to entertain the crowd as much as her pokemon do, and a two-person dance would be the perfect chance to get more involved in the performance, too! but basic ballet moves is a good place to start—momo wouldn't even know where to begin! "i'm fine starting off with the basic ballet moves if that's okay!" [break][break]







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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
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i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2023 18:44:42 GMT
maki nods; starting with ballet positions is what she was planning anyway. "do what i do, then." she backs up into the bar, placing both hands on it while still facing forward. it's mostly the position of her legs that changes at first; she goes through first position, second position, all the way to fourth position, making sure momo is keeping pace with her. it's not like these are particularly difficult, so she ramps it up just a bit by using her arms now as well, to demonstrate the full position.

as she does so, with the focus she's giving the exercise, her tiny smile fades away and her eyes set in a more neutral, even cold, look. it's not that she's unhappy; she's just too busy trying to remember what she learned as a child to put her mask on right now.

"there's various mimes, too," maki says after a while of silence. "for example, this--" and she spreads her hands above her head, gesturing by twirling them around each other briefly. "-- is an invitation to dance, essentially."

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December 9th
Lavender Town, Kanto
Ace Bi
i have a dream where you and i have the same dream!
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 18:17:49 GMT
Momo Sakai Avatar


"alright!" momo huffs quietly, getting serious as she watches maki with rapt attention. the initial movements seem easy enough to follow, and momo replicates them to the best of her ability. she feels not too unlike a baby ducklett following a mother swanna, imitating the movements of flight in her best effort to fly on her own, someday. in between practiced motions, momo smiles, her eyes trailing after maki's figure—inspired, happy, eager to learn. [break][break]

she hardly notices that maki's expression falls into something more focused, more attentive, as the session goes on. the sound of their breathing and footsteps the only intermittent noise within the silence. [break][break]

"an invitation to dance? that's so sweet!" momo tries to copy the mime, hands above her head, twirling them briefly as maki had shown, though perhaps with a little too much enthusiasm than what the other had displayed. "how's this?" [break][break]







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jigokuhime, snow white
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i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2023 0:24:32 GMT
she watches momo's movements carefully. while she has a lot of enthusiasm, it might not be too appropriate for the movements they're practicing. maki shakes her head. "you have too much..." her voice trails off as she tries to find a nice way to say it. she offers momo another small, manufactured smile. "" she suggests. "you're good at copying my movement, but you go too fast."

she turns fully toward momo, coming closer, and extends both hands to take hold of the other girl's wrists. maki guides her, going slow and languid, so she can get a better feel for it. "when it comes to ballet, you have to be patient," she explains. "i think... the same could go for your appeals, sometimes." oh, yes, maki's been doing some research. she doesn't like not knowing things that the people around her do know. knowledge is one of the few ways she manages to exert control over her own life. there are few things she's bad at )though things like cooking and cleaning are an especially sore point, and she would never willingly admit this).
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Lavender Town, Kanto
Ace Bi
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 7:17:59 GMT
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maki isn't the first person to comment on momo's boundless energy. she smiles sheepishly, guilty as charged! momo has two pulses: one, a normal pulse, the same lifeblood rhythm that runs in everyone's veins. but then there's two—the pulse of joy, buzzing through her like an electric current, making her movements too excited, too spirited. [break][break]

she totally gets what maki is talking about. executing the moves with restraint and precision, however, is another challenge altogether. still, momo is nothing if not persistent, and she nods slowly at the other's suggestions, miming her movements with a touch more slowness and patience. it's a step in the right direction, but it's obvious that momo is holding herself back. [break][break]

then comes the comment about her appeals during contests, and momo swallows. "i think you've got a point! okay, practice makes perfect! how's this for a little less energy, a little more grace?" she really wants to do right by maki, but also wants to improve her own dancing skills by any means possible. and who knows? everything could work out perfectly at the next contest, and she'd have maki yukimura to thank for her time and patience in teaching momo! yes, she doesn't want to disappoint her friend anytime soon. so, momo tries again, glancing occasionally at the other girl as though searching for her approval.







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jigokuhime, snow white
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TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 18:50:20 GMT
maki steps back to observe, and nods to momo. "better," she says, which is high praise from her. "once you learn the basics, you can always adapt it more to your... style." and when it comes to dance, the basics are incredibly important. despite how boring it could be to practice the same thing over and over, practice ensured that you wouldn't hurt yourself. that's why maki hasn't touched upon the subject of ballet in a while; she knows that if she tries too hard, she might overdo it.

(that, and maybe she's still a little sour about being told to discontinue it, deep down.)

"there's many other ballet mimes," maki says. "it'd be impossible to go through all of them... you can always look them up later." honestly, she only remembers a few of them anyway.

with that, she pulls out her phone and turns on some music. it's a simple piano song, easy to keep up with. "you can try incorporating the movements i showed you, if you'd like." maki stands back, still facing momo, like a stern but gentle teacher. to anyone who knows her darker side, they might be shocked to see how easily she takes to instruction.
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December 9th
Lavender Town, Kanto
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 23:15:50 GMT
Momo Sakai Avatar


better. even the smallest of praises is enough to lift momo's spirits higher, and she nods enthusiastically, eager to continue. "alright, i'll keep that in mind! this is so exciting!" [break][break]

then she remembers the comment about her energy, and laughs quietly in spite of herself. "okay! i'll be sure to look them up later!" maki is so impressive for even knowing a few of them like this! momo imagines that if she had been put into ballet as a young girl, herself, she'd spend more time memorizing all the different moves than actually dancing. maybe it's better that maki teaches her even the start of something new like this. [break][break]

when the music starts up, momo sees maki's unreadable gaze upon her once more, and takes up a natural inclination to be the enthusiastic student, in turn. the song chosen is a simple one, and momo listens for a few more beats before attempting to recreate the moves she'd been taught just a few moments ago. she breathes in softly, then moves, a bit more grace than last time, her pure eagerness evident through how much she wants to do well in the other's eyes. [break][break]







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i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 18:13:12 GMT
she watches carefully with sharp eyes. naturally, since momo has only just learned the moves, they're not quite as refined as someone who's spent months practicing the basics. but for a beginner, she's doing well. is it because of her eagerness? maki was this eager, she remembers, once upon a time. as a child she'd wanted so badly to impress her parents, so that she'd thrown herself into her studies and paid attention to little else. gradually, the eagerness had faded into a numb oblivion as maki forfeited her right to a normal life.

well, she'd never had that 'right' anyway, being born into the yukimura family. the scope of their power and influence left no room for casual pursuits.

her phone automatically skips to the next song, one with a little more energy. pausing for a moment, maki makes a decision. she reaches her hands above her head and twirls them in the same sign she'd just taught momo, and then extends a hand. "shall we dance together, then?" there is the tiniest, faintest gleam of rebellion in the gesture, though momo won't know it.
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December 9th
Lavender Town, Kanto
Ace Bi
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 6:13:13 GMT
Momo Sakai Avatar


as the song ends, momo smiles softly, inspired by maki's tutelage and her precision, besides that. it's not easy teaching others, let alone teaching someone like momo who is more enthusiasm than she is discipline. [break][break]

though it seems that maki is quite disciplined and skilled, herself, and momo can't help but wondering in pairs: what can she do for maki in return? the pink-haired girl can gush about contests all she likes, but when it comes to showing maki a truly new and wondrous sight and guiding her through it... she's at a bit of a loss. [break][break]

maki's invitation to dance comes as the most beautiful surprise possible. momo almost chokes up as she says, "y-yes, let's!" she'd love to do nothing more than dance with maki. she takes the other girl's hand, remembering the movements taught to her just now. one invites, the other accepts, and then— [break][break]








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[newclass=".momosakai h2"]font:16px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".momosakai .tag"]letter-spacing:.5px;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:18px;font:800 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".momosakai .credit"]width:125px;background-color:#1c1c1c;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".momosakai .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 17:02:19 GMT
the dance is a little clumsy, given how long it's been since maki has done anything like this. there's been a few galas where she's danced with her brother, but that was a show they put on to impress their stockholders and business partners more than anything. it was more restrained, less emotive, just a script they were following. even her movement had been restricted by the expensive dresses she wore to those events.

her she has more freedom, and in some respects she's not sure what to do with it. while they dance, there's moments of brief hesitation as maki decides what to do next. for the most part, she finds herself leading, but there are times her hesitance would allow momo to take over if she pleased.

the feeling is entirely different from dancing with her family. maki loses herself in it, and it seems like a much longer stretch of time than it actually is. as the song finally hits its climax, she twirls and then lifts momo into the air, just for a moment, so her feet leave the ground. the gesture seems to come easily to her, her arms not even shaking, betraying that she's much stronger than she looks.

then the song ends, and maki stops moving abruptly, like a puppet with its strings cut.
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December 9th
Lavender Town, Kanto
Ace Bi
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morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 23:04:30 GMT
Momo Sakai Avatar


they dance. there's hesitation in some places, but that's to be expected. momo dances for the first time with another person in this way, and the movements are both fast-paced and painstakingly slow. raw emotion, practiced discipline, both things clumsily struggling to find a balance within the two girls. [break][break]

in the moments where momo leads the dance, she feels powerful, unbridled, and energetic. she draws from a new source of inspiration within her, grinning at maki in between turns and movements, the music and the motions sweeping them both off their feet. [break][break]

then when maki takes control again, momo witnesses sheer artistry, a part of maki she hadn't expected to see nor witness up close. [break][break]

then the other girl takes momo into her arms and lifts her, and momo rolls with it, but part of her is stunned at just how strong maki actually is! momo could definitely not do that, herself! [break][break]

the song ends and while maki makes an abrupt stop, momo slowly comes to a heel, breathing hard as she let the excitement of the dance overtake her. "oh wow!" she cheers, "that was so amazing!" i can't believe i actually did that! [break][break]







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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
160 posts
part of
TAG WITH @maki
morning grace [momo]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2023 19:25:00 GMT
looks like maki's still got it! it helps that she does so much physical training for her role in team rocket. battling pokemon is one thing, but most people don't train for combat situations themselves. that's where rocket has the advantage; the people who join less likely to fear getting their own hands dirty, rather than relying on their pokemon to protect them.

for some reason, maki feels... guilty? as if simply by dancing, she's betraying her family's wishes for herself. that thought gives her enough pause as she gets a distant look in her eye, staring through the wall, frown etched onto her face. the moment is over soon enough, as she shakes herself out of her trance. "we're almost out of time," she says. she only rented this room in the dance studio for an hour. "we should go."

she turns the music off entirely, cutting off a track right in the middle. "...hopefully you'll be able to put this lesson to good use in your next contest," maki comments. is she actually looking forward to that? how odd...
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